Latest News from the Riipen team

What's new in May 2024

Emily avatar
Shared by Emily • June 14, 2024

Highlight features

Tasks & Activity

All users will now be shown a list of tasks that need completing by them as well as a list of activity of all actions taken that they need to be aware of including their own and other's actions.

Tasks are generated for a user based on prior actions taken and can come in the form of required tasks they need to complete, recommended tasks to make their experience better, or optional tasks that may help them in the long run. These tasks can be complete by taking the appropriate actions, but can also be marked as complete or snoozed for action later.

You can use tasks as your own personal TO-DO list, easily seeing what actions you need to take, and by when. Log in to your account to get started.

Verified skills

All experiences and projects on Riipen will now be automatically tagged with a list of applicable skills when they are being created, which can then be further customized by the administrators. These skills are then used all over the Riipen platform including:

  • Helping match making, search, and recommendations
  • Being added to a learner's profile upon project completion
  • Being showcased in feedback to learners
  • Being used as part of employer created endorsements for learners

New features & Improvements

  • As an employer, I am now able to see recent applications from my project page sidebar
  • As an authorized user, I am now able to see and track all activity for a payment
  • Added URL links to all "Sign Agreements" notification bars reminding learners and employers of the “agreements to be signed”
  • As a learner, if I am not a member of any experiences, I can now see available experiences on my dashboard.
  • As an employer, I can now see all my recent matches on my dashboard.
  • As an experience administrator, when creating teams I am now required to provide dates as needed
  • A "Request Access to Portal" button on the "Portal Access Required" page has been added.
  • As an employer, I can now see milestones for my teams in my calendar.
  • As an educator, I can now see all historical company applications in my portal.
  • As an educator, I can now 'Skip' creating an experience in the onboarding wizard.
  • Educators can now see their experiences in a table format instead of cards
  • Users can now add their X (formerly Twitter) accounts to their profiles.

Bug fixes

  • Categories are now displayed in the user's language preference
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to add 'other' option to one of the match request multiple-choice questions
  • Resolved the problem where users couldn't activate work logs for experiences
  • Resolved an issue where some users were unable to delete experience drafts