Latest News from the Riipen team

What’s new in March 2024

Emily avatar
Shared by Emily • April 11, 2024

Highlight features

AI based match compatibility scores

When submitting match requests for projects and experiences, educators and employers will now be able to check the compatibility of their projects and experiences with our new AI drive compatibility scores.

  • Know if the match is a good fit before even submitting the request
  • Quickly determine compatibility and use it as guiding criteria when evaluating incoming match requests

Date change requests

Teams and employers who have set dates for their projects are now able to submit a date change request to the other party if they need to move keys dates in their timeline such as changing the end date.

Team states

Explicit team states have been added and are displayed throughout the platform. These states more easily show if a team is currently active and completing a project, inactive, incomplete from missing deadlines and more.


Experience administrators can now add observers to their experience and assign them to particular teams which will grant them read-only access to those teams and their data.

  • Easily keep tabs on a large number of teams by assigning observers to each one


  • As an educator, when I view the 'My Experiences' tab, I now see the default sort order as 'Recently updated'.
  • As an educator, I can filter my experiences by 'Open/Closed'.
  • As an educator, the 'Open/Closed' filter on the Portal > Experiences page has been updated to an on-page filter.
  • As an experience administrator, I can turn match quality evaluations on or off from my settings page
  • As an experience administrator, I can use a default role of “Guest” on any experience I create, that is uneditable.
  • As an experience administrator, I can view a member page for each other experience member.
  • As an experience administrator, I can add properties to teams within my experiences
  • As an experience administrator, I am able to limit the number of matched projects per experience per company.
  • As a portal administrator, I can grant a portal pass from any portal company page.
  • As an employer, when I view My Projects > Projects tab, the default sort order is now 'Recently updated'.
  • As an employer, the 'State' and 'Open/Closed' filters on the 'My Projects' page have been updated to on-page filters.
  • As an employer, the 'State' and 'Open/Closed' filters on the Company > Projects tab have been updated to on-page filters.
  • As an employer, I can select closed projects while submitting a match request.
  • As a learner, matches are sorted by default on an experience page to promote open matches first.
  • As a educator or employer, I can now use persistent filters on all match request tables, meaning any filters I set will be applied the next time I view that table.
  • As a educator or employer, I can now see the Status filter displayed on the match request page the same way it's shown on the project and experience requests tab.
  • As an educator, employer, or learner, I now receive notifications when dates are changed on an experience, match or team both in-app and via email.
  • As a user, when I view any user requests, the default sort order is now from most recent to least recent requests.
  • As a user, when I view the bookmarks tab, the default sort order is now 'Created at'.
  • As a user, if I have read only access to a conversation, I can now join it.
  • As a user, I can now earn achievements from a parent portal.
  • As a user, I can filter a portal's profile experiences to open or closed.
  • As any user, I can now see a full list of the recipients of the feedback I am issuing in the feedback wizard
  • As a guest, I will now see a “Get Started” button on a portal's profile
  • The experience matches table has been updated for learners.
  • Categories are now optional for experiences
  • The Portal > Experiences default sort order has been updated
  • The Company > Projects default sort has been updated
  • Learners now receive an updated ‘Application Pending’ notification email when they apply to join a project based on whether the two-sided acceptance requirement is in effect or not.
  • When an employer is removed from a company, they will also be removed from any projects within that company.
  • When an educator is removed from a portal, they will also be removed from any experiences within that portal.
  • When experience team creation is not learner-assign, learners will not be able to delete themselves from teams.
  • The emails to companies for portal passes has been updated.

Bug fixes

  • As a user, when viewing a document agreement, a blank panel appears instead of a preview.