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What’s new in January 2024 - Match request usability, conversation context and more

Emily avatar
Shared by Emily • January 18, 2024

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Maximum end dates

Educators are now able to set a global maximum end date for their experience.

  • Maintain the flexibility of allowing dates to be set by learners or employers, while enforcing program requirements via a maximum end date for all participants. Learn more

Custom instructions for new portal pass recipients

When a company is granted access to a portal via a portal pass, they now see a custom screen providing instruction on next steps.

  • Provide content recommendations from the portal for the user
  • Let them know what their portal pass gives them access to do, and suggested next steps
  • Customize content on this screen through portal settings. Learn more

Access to team-employer conversations for educators

Educators can now set experiences to provide them with either view-only or membership access to conversations between teams and employers.

  • As an educator this allows you to keep tabs on conversations as needed to provide support or ensure regular interaction is occurring
  • All participants are informed of this access at the outset of the conversation


  • When a pending match revision exists, this is now the employer's default view of the match request so they have immediate access to accept/decline buttons
  • As a learner, I should be able to view the milestone attachment added by the educator on the standalone milestone submission page.
  • Learners now see informational text on the project page explaining how to join
  • Learners can now see when viewing a project whether they already have a pending application to it.
  • The chatbot reminder message in match request conversations now states whether both parties need to take action or just one. It now links to the match request page, as well.
  • Feedback wizard text has been updated to more clearly state who you're currently giving feedback to.
  • Rich text editor spacing display: the spacing of text entered in the input now more closely aligns with how it displays to the end user to improve user experience across all types of written content creation.
  • As a learner, I should receive a second kickoff reminder email if my team or I haven’t started my project yet.
  • When applications are 'Open' but not available to the current user, a notice now explains why.
  • Update to final submission panel on team page to include a header and show custom description when one exists.

Bug fixes

  • Message component grows in width when long unbroken string is included in preview
  • Profile about panel grows in width when long unbroken string is included in bio field
  • A portal that has the open marketplace disabled should only have /search/portal/projects in the nav bar
  • As a learner, if an experience is set to “Unique learners per matched project” and I am already in a team on that match, “Apply” should not be visible to me.