Latest News from the Riipen team

What's coming in October - Navigation update

Emily avatar
Shared by Emily • September 25, 2023

With Riipen 2.0 having now been up and running for 5 months, we've collected a huge amount of user feedback on the new platform experience, with positive feedback on usability and new features.

We found a few opportunities to improve ease of use based on user feedback.

These include:

  • Making the option to switch your active workspace (portal or company) more prominent
  • Better separation of your own content versus your portal or company's content in the main navigation menu
  • More intuitive navigation to profile links
  • Make the marketplace link more prominent.

We're happy to let you know these changes will be in place in October 2023.

  • All users will now be able to switch their currently active portal from the portal logo in the navigation bar:
  • Employers will now see their active company and be able to switch this from their main navigation menu:
  • All users will see a better visual separation between their own content and their portal or company's content:
  • All users will find their profile link in the user menu located in the top-right of the screen:
  • Employers and educators will now find the marketplace option as a button in the top nav bar:
  • Learners who have not yet joined an experience will find all experiences for their portal under the "Find experiences" button in the top nav bar:
  • Learners who have already joined an experience will see the option to find others under their "My Experiences" page