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What's new - Aug 2 2023 - Saved searches, Calendar integration, work logs, and more.

Emily avatar
Shared by Emily • August 03, 2023

New features, improvements and bug fixes released on Riipen from July 19 - Aug 2.

Today's update spans the last two weeks and includes some major new features requested by our users: the ability to save searches, link to an external calendar, and track hours spent on projects.


  • Saved searches - a user can save any search criteria in the project or experience marketplace to quickly apply it again in future and be notified of new content matching your search. Learn more


  • As an employer, when you duplicate a project, you can now duplicate both its content and its meta-information, if you are an administrator of the project. Previously only content could be duplicated.
  • As an educator or employer, if you have recommendations enabled you'll receive recommendations based on your saved searches and recent searches.
  • The chatbot message "Still interested in this possible match?" which sends in match request conversations has been updated to prompt more specific action, suggesting the users book a meeting.
  • As an educator, I can indicate in the experience wizard "Projects wanted" section what percentage of projects I intend to source from open marketplace versus my portal's private marketplace.
  • Substantial load time improvements for all portal reports
  • As a user, I should receive a chatbot reminder in a match request conversation 5 days before match request expiry
  • The project review email received by employers after project publication now has a section explaining the content is generated with AI, with a link to a help article.

Bug fixes

  • In the message preview component on match, match request and team page, the last message sent should be shown instead of first message sent.
  • Validation error when submitting match request with milestones