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What's new - May 31, 2023 - AI Project Creation and more

Emily avatar
Shared by Emily • May 31, 2023

In the last week, we rolled out one very exciting new feature, and several small improvements.


  • Employers can now create projects with an assist from AI. When creating a project, employers can now choose to create from scratch, use a template, or use AI. After writing a prompt, the artificial intelligence engine will take into account the company information on Riipen and Riipen's project best practices to produce project content based on that prompt. The employer will review and edit the auto-generated project before publishing. Learn more


  • The learner view of the experiences table is now sorted more intuitively, with later-starting experiences shown at the top of the table.
  • The Teams table for learners now has only the team name hyperlinked, to address some comments made by learners in feedback sessions that it was confusing to have 3 options within the table
  • The Portal > Learners table is now sorted by most recently created to least recently
  • The text on the milestone submission page has been customized to be distinct from the final submission page to add more clarity for learners.
  • The email an employer receives alerting them of a new match request now includes the experience name.

Bug fix

  • Issue where team could not be deleted has been resolved
  • The email reminding employers who sign up and don't create or join a company was not sending; this is now fixed.
  • The application due date was appearing erroneously in the match request wizard; this is now fixed and displays only when the match sets the dates and applications are required.