Latest News from the Riipen team

What's new - May 24, 2023

Emily avatar
Shared by Emily • May 24, 2023

In the last week, here are the main user-facing improvements and issues addressed in the Riipen platform. Stay tuned for some bigger news to come soon: the team is working on three larger features (linked project templates, saved searches, and one surprise feature) to be released in the coming weeks.


  • Experience meta information "general" section now includes team size and student years
  • The progress bar and the dates in the "Teams" table progress column now reflect the actual dates and progress of the team, not the scheduled dates, when progress exists.
  • When filters are applied in an advanced filters modal, the filter icon displays the number of filters that are applied but currently hidden
  • The email an employer receives alerting them of a new match request now includes the experience name.

Bug fix

  • Uploads could time out for submissions with too many files. To address this we have for now put on a maximum of 10 images per project, 10 resource files per project, and 10 files per milestone or final submission, which addresses 95% of use cases. We are exploring other options to increase these limits in the future.
  • For users of our Zapier app, The match request created trigger was missing information about the request sender and recipient. This is now updated.